What is a Personal Consultant & Life Coach?

People seek a Personal Consultant & Life Coach because something in their life is not right and they need to find a solution. People come to change patterns of behavior and/or thinking that impede their progress towards a satisfying life; they seek to change what is no longer effective. 

A Personal Consultant & Life Coach provides an opportunity for you to talk with an objective, caring professional about your concerns, problems, and goals for change. It can range from informal consultation to brief or long-term management. A Personal Consultant and Life Coach can be used for helping you to address issues ranging from personal enrichment to stress and other psychological/emotional components of life’s difficulties, relationship breakups, family relationships, and other issues affecting individual functioning.

Personal Consulting & Life Coaching, most simply stated, is an interaction between a person who is "stuck" in some way and in need of help, and another person who is trained in helping people get "unstuck." The reasons for coming are many, and the strategies employed are numerous. The one constant is that the Personal Consultant & Life Coach focuses all energies on trying to help you, the individual. If you feel uncertain about whether this is for you, I encourage you to call and schedule a free brief phone consultation to discuss any reservations you might have. There is no obligation to continue.

While we can't change those issues from our past, we can work together to better understand and resolve today’s challenges that may be tied in part to that past. By applying individualized therapeutic approaches and techniques, we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life. 

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right.” - Henry Ford
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100 King Plaza, Suite A Commerce, TX 75428         Phone: 972-865-7891
Therapy for Individuals, Couples/Families, & Groups